Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29th

The students of Room 14 wrote our blog this week.  They are excited to share their learning with you!

In Reader’s Workshop we continued reading Wringer and Fish In A Tree. We were also focusing on A-ha moments, words of the wiser, contrast and contradiction, memory moments and tough questions. In Wringer, we found a contrast and contradiction where Palmer did not want  to be friends with the guys and was acting different with them.   In Fish In A Tree, a contrast and contradiction was Jessica and Shay’s friendship.  We are working on recording our thinking on sticky notes as we read.  
  • Dior, Zackary, Alexander.

In Math, we are working on 2 digit by 4 digit,3 digit by 4 digit,4 digit by 4 digit also 2 digit by 2 digit mulitplication.
EXAMPLE: 43 * 26= 1,118
We also are learning about ounces and pounds.
EXAMPLE: 1lb =  16oz

We have also been learning about Capacity Conversions, The names are gallons, quarts,pints, and cups. Oct 29, 2015 12:27:17 PM.jpg
By:Zuly, Eliana, Madelynn, Slava

Oct 29, 2015 12:23:57 PM.jpgIn science this week, we have been learning about the water cycle.  We did a lot of  experiments on air pressure and water convection currents. We learned that  air pressure is heavy. We learned about evaporation and condensation.
Oct 29, 2015 12:23:04 PM.jpg  
BY Joey,Prabesh and Brandon

In social studies this week we learned about Spanish and French explorers. Ferdinand Magellan sailed from Spain to get gold and a short route to the Indies. He was the first person to sail around the world.  He had 5 ships and  241 people. About half way there, they found out they were running out of food they had to eat rats,leather, sawdust,and wood. They stopped two weeks in Brazil to restock on food and water but Magellan was killed in a battle between two native tribes. The last two boats, Victoria and Trinidad sailed in different directions one to the new world and one back to the Spanish with gold and spices. There were 18 men left on the one boat that made it.

In social studies we also learned about Henan Cortes he sailed in 1519 the same time as Magellan Cortes.  He wanted gold so he tricked the Aztecs and destroyed their city Tenochtitlan. He stole all their gold and forced the Aztecs to build a new European style city, that city is now known as Mexico city.
By: Liam, Shane, Gabriella, and Max

In writing this week we have been writing memoirs.  Most kids in our class have written two memoirs. We reviewed shifts again, and this time we made it stronger in our writing.

Also, we talked about strong beginnings and closings in our memoirs.  This makes our reader stay in the story, also makes it more interesting.  We have had four kids in our class to volunteer to share their memoirs, but only one person had time to share.

Just to let you know, shifts are action, description,(5 senses but mostly eyes), dialogue, inner story (thinking), and similes and metaphors.  In writing we have done a few more things you already know from the weeks before.  
By: Katharine and Genavieve

In Fine Arts and Physical Education this week it’s been awesome.  In PE we have been dribbling the soccer ball.  We did our kick test last Monday.  We have also been playing kick ball on our field a lot.  Kick ball is kind of like baseball but you kick the ball.  Also, in music we have been learning the song the Headless Horseman Rides Tonight and have been playing  different instruments to go with the song. Also, in art we have been putting color to our perspective drawings.  We have a student teacher named Ms. Johnson. Also, in media we are doing typing master to help us get better at typing.  We also started a google classroom and did a survey with 6 questions.    

Samantha, Marissa, Talan, Natalie

  • Our Fun Run, Boo Bash is tomorrow morning (Friday, October 30th). Donations will be accepted until tomorrow morning.
  • We will have our Halloween parade at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. Please bring your costume to school, DO NOT WEAR IT TO SCHOOL.
  • If you have not already, please send in your party donation when you get a chance.
  • Please make sure all planners are signed every night.
  • 30 minutes of independent reading.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22nd

Image result for amerigo vespucci
In Social Studies this week, we learned about a variety of explorers.  We studied Leif Eriksson, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco Nunez de Balboa and Ponce de Leon. We had to pick which explorer deserved a national holiday. We each selected an explorer and provided evidence for our thinking.

In Writers' Workshop, we have been working on revising, editing, and publishing our memoirs.  We have been using our Chromebooks to publish our best memoirs.

In Readers' Workshop we have been working on the Signposts.  This week we studied Contrasts and Contradictions.  A Contrast and Contradiction is when a character does something that you do not expect or when he or she acts differently than normal.  We watched a video about a Scarecrow that behaved in a way that we did not expect.  
Image result for chipotle scarecrow

In Science we have been learning about the water cycle.  We made a cloud in a bottle.  We are observing evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. We learned how much a cloud weighs.  Ask your 5th grade scientist how much a cloud weighs.
Image result for cumulonimbus clouds

In math we have been working on powers of ten and multiplication.  We used three different methods of multiplication (traditional, partial products, area model).

  • The Halloween Parade is on Friday, October 30th at 2:00 p.m.
  • The Boo Bash Fun Run is on Friday, October 30th. Please make sure you turn in your collection envelopes
  • Read 30 minutes every night
  • Sign planners every night

Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15th

Ice Cream Social
 tonight from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
The doors will open at 6:00 p.m. for ice cream.  The media center will also be open for the book fair during this time.

It has been another week filled with learning and fun in room 14.  We spent a lot of time this week using our Chromebooks to complete our i-Ready assessments. 

We also completed our first math benchmark assessment this week.  We could tell that the students spent a lot of time preparing for this assessment.  They did great!  We began unit 2 in math today.  We will be focusing on whole number place value and operations in unit 2.

In writing this week, we have been focusing on editing.  We have been going back over the memiors that we have written and thinking about our transitions, precise language, shifts, and beginnings.  Today we worked together to write strong beginnings for an event that happened in our classroom.  We focused on the following beginnings: action, sound, dialogue, question or thought, and description.  It is amazing what we can come up with when we put our heads together.

 The students have really enjoyed Social Studies this week.  We have been learning a lot about Christopher Columbus and his encounters with Native Americans.  We looked at the encounters through Christopher Columbus' eyes using his journal entries.  We also looked through the eyes of the Taino.  We noticed two very different perspectives.  Ask your fifth grader to explain what he or she learned this week.

1. Last day for the book fair is tomorrow
2. Read at least 30 minutes every night
3. Halloween parade will begin at 2:00 p.m. on October 30th
4. Please make sure that you check and sign your child's planner each night

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1st

Bring your best smile.

Image result for marshfield dreams
We have been working hard this week.  We started our memior unit. We have been reading a variety of memiors in the classroom and studying their characteristics.  We noticed that all memiors have external and internal moments. We have been reading a lot of memiors from Marshfield Dreams by Ralph Fletcher.  We have decided our favorite is Eating the World.  Ask your fifth grader about this memior.  We started writing our own memiors about a special person or pet.  We are focusing on one memory with our special individual.

We have also been building our reading stamina and really getting into our books.  We get upset when Mrs. Athan and Mrs. Faley ask us to put our books away.  

In science, we learned more about Pluto and New Horizon (the satellite that was sent to Pluto).  We did some research on why Pluto is a dwarf planet.  We formed our own opinions on whether or not Pluto should or should not be a planet.
Image result for pluto

In social studies, we have been learning more about the Native American regions.  This week we focused on the Indians of the Southwest Desert.  We have been learning about their environment, food, transportation and shelter.  

In math, we have been working on volume.  We found two formulas for volume.  They are length x width x height or base x height.  We are getting into the routine of homework.

We played a lot of kickball in PE with Mr. Cox.  We enjoyed playing outside in the field this week.